martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

What are floating covers and what are they used for?

When we talk about floating covers we are also taking about liquid odor protection and control and the conservation of water that is stores in tanks specifically designed for it.

Nowadays, we can find many different models and types of floating covers in the market. In terms of functionality and for the excellent results provided, we will highlight two types: the flexible floating cover and the flat aluminum covers.

We can say that the flexible floating covers have a great capacity to adapt to the different tanks. Thanks to their composition, made of geomembranes, they are highly compatible with different chemicals and environments. They are ideal for odor control in homogenization tanks and leachate ponds. Thanks to the incorporated gutters, there is no need to worry about rainwater drainage.

However, if you are trying to control the fluid loss caused by evaporation, reduce as much as possible the air contamination cause by odors, or minimize the areas of steam accumulation on the surface of the stored liquids, you should definitely use flat aluminum covers which are ideal for large surfaces.