lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Types of covers: The Aluminum Geodesic Dome

The Aluminum Geodesic Dome is a type of aluminum cover used in refineries and tank farms. This construction is very durable and self-supporting. That means it does not require internal supports, and therefore it creates the possibility to cover large areas in a short time of construction.
This dome is made generally by a combination of isosceles triangles, but it is also possible to create it with hexagons - regular polygons with six sides. Both forms - a triangle and hexagon are the strongest structures used in construction.
It’s not only the strong structure that makes this aluminum roof service so efficient but it also is corrosion resistant, lightweight, easy to install and can be shipped anywhere in the world without problems.
What is more geodesic domes allow the unification of production materials - elements used can repeat themselves and they have an optimum use of space – aluminum domes are also maintenance free. This introduces a method for the construction industry which greatly simplifies the process of construction.