miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Cubiertas de aluminio: características y usos

Los tanques de almacenamiento pierden cantidad de producto debido a la acción del calor. Los líquidos se evaporan y se filtran por el techo, haciendo que se pierda dinero por este motivo. Aunque este fenómeno es inevitable, gracias a las cubiertas flotantes de aluminio se puede reducir al máximo este problema. 

Los materiales con los que se elaboran estas cubiertas hacen que el problema se minimice. Además, son resistentes a productos químicos, por lo que aunque se evaporen ciertas sustancias, la cubierta no se dañará por la acción de estos elementos. 

Las cubiertas flotantes también son una buena opción para cubrir grandes zonas en las que se almacenen productos que desprendan fuertes olores. De esta manera se evita la contaminación del aire en el entorno y minimiza la molestia en zonas cercanas donde el viento pueda llevar los olores que se escapen de los tanques.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Maintenance of floating covers

Floating covers are screens which are made of plastic or aluminum and have many functions depending on where they are installed. They are designed to control odor in homogenization tanks, to prevent evaporation of liquid in water tanks or even to create a micro climate when it’s necessary for certain crops. When you are using storage tanks for storing certain liquids or you are planning to create perfect conditions for your corps you should focus your attention on floating covers.

Because floating covers are versatile inventions it is necessary to take care of them and put them under comprehensive and detailed maintenance. Only in this way they can achieve the goals they were designed for – and this is the reason why a proper care is necessary. 

Those below are the main things you need to focus on while taking care of and maintaining the floating covers:

  • It is essential to constantly control the conditions of tank seal joints - not only external but internal ones as well.
  • Equally important is to provide the drain and suction system in your tank. This way you will prevent accumulation of rain or snow which can build up on a roof and can cause its sinking. Because of this it is essential to pay full attention to system of drain and use either skimmer, swivel joints or hoses. Emission reduction devices, system of air purification and loading arms are the elements that must undergo extensive maintenance and should a priority in floating covers.
  • The valves as well should be in a perfect condition at all times so that the floating installations could perform flawlessly and fulfill their functions.